Sunday, April 27, 2014

                           Was it really a CIVIL War?
This unit is a elementary introduction in the Civil War years. Students will be immersed in historical information using the computer lab, and reading historical information from pre-approved websites, listening to books read aloud, independent reading, cooperative and partner activities, and opportunities for extra credit and extended learning opportunities for higher level learners. Trade books on all levels have also been included for readers on any level to obtain mastery. The six lessons contain information on personalities of the war, slavery, and life during the Civil War.The culminating activity is a field trip to see a reenactment of the Civil War.
 I will be using this blog to post projects, achievements and I encourage the feedback from all our parents, please feel free to respond to blog posts. I will be updating all of our families through daily blogging and I am hopeful many or you will attend the reenactment with us.

We will also have a daily guest blogger. Each day a student will be asked to blog about his/her school day and you must tune in daily to see if it is your child blogging. What a wonderful surprise for your child, when he/she sees their parents reading what they blogged on the computer.

In the following weeks to come I will be posting books, videos and other ideas to help your child delve deeper into the fascinating history of the Civil War. I look forward to your feedback, comments and ideas. Now lets walk through history....